Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Matías Berthelon

Matías Berthelon - - - Alejandro Montecinos - Eric Bettinger

Networks on Academic Achievement. Res High Educ 60, 931–959 (2019)

Matías Berthelon - - Dante Contreras; María Isidora Palma

Economics & Human Biology Volume 36, January 2020, 100831

Matías Berthelon

Does adolescent motherhood affect education and labor market outcomes of mothers? A study on young adult women in Chile during 1990–2013, International Journal of Public Health, 62, 293–303

Matías Berthelon

Desempeño del sector exportador chileno: El rol de los márgenes intensivo y extensivo., Economía Chilena, 14, 25-38

Matías Berthelon

Chilean Export Performance: The Role of Intensive and Extensive Margins, Central Bank of Chile Working Papers , ,

Matías Berthelon

Child Labor and the Transition between School and Work, Allocation of children, 161-192

Matías Berthelon

Risky behavior among youth: Incapacitation effects on school on adolescent motherhood and crime in Chile., Journal of Public Economics, ,

Matías Berthelon

On the Conservation of Distance in International Trade, Journal of International Economics, 75, 310–320

Matías Berthelon

Auge Inmobiliario en Chile: ¿Una Nueva Crisis Subprime?, Trend Management, Management Made in Chile, May 2008,

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