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Does Finance Alter the Relation Between Inequality and Growth? Economic Inquiry (JEL D3, E6, P1, O4, I2).
Qué dice la neurociencia sobre cómo lograr un alto desempeño
Monte Carlo simulation approach to compute the welfare costs of suboptimal behavior.
The fundamental contradiction of capitalism revisited, Bulletin of Economic Research (online: 12 marzo 2018), ,
Health at birth, parental investments and academic outcomes, Journal of Labor Economics (online: 1 febrero 2018), 36,
Monetary and macroprudential policies to manage capital flows, International Journal of Central Banking, 14, 201-257
Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Influence of contextual information and past prices on the willingness to pay and expected quality evaluations
Materialistic values may be detrimental for people’s well-being. However, we know little about why(i.e., explaining mechanisms) and when (i.e., boundary conditions) this is the case.
El Rol del Bienestar Subjetivo para Medir el Progreso de las Naciones y Orientar las Políticas Públicas. Papeles del psicólogo.