Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Estas Filtrando por:


Fraternidad Política y Educación, Capital social, confianza y educación, 205-242

Macroeconomic performance during commodity price booms and busts, IMF Economic Review, 60, 570-599

Household choices of child labor and schooling: A structural model with applications to Brazil, Journal of Human Resources, 47, 1-31

Household Choices of Schooling and Child Labor: A Structural Model with Applications to Brazil, Journal of Human Resources, 47, 1-31

Specialization, R&D and productivity growth: Evidence from EU regions., Annals of Regional Science, 49, 35-51

Estimación de la Inflación Regional de los Precios de la Vivienda en Chile., El Trimestre Económico, 79, 601-630

La concentración en Chile: Una relación negativa ignorada., EURE, 38, 257-277

Defining the Spatial Scale in Modern Regional Analysis, The Estimation of Urban Premium Wage Using Propensity Score Analysis: Some Considerations from the Spatial Perspective,

Societies in Motion: Innovation,Migration and Regional Transformation, The effect of asset and credit contraint on interregional labour migration,

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