Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Constanza Bianchi

Consumer intentions to engage in s-commerce: A cross-national study, Journal of Marketing Management, 33, 464-494

Does a mandatory reduction of standard working hours improve employees health status?, Industrial Relations, 56, 3-39

Alejandro Montecinos - Jaime Lavín -

A Network-Based Dynamic Analysis in an Equity Stock Market, Complexity, 2017, artículo 3979836

Marcos Gómez

Comovement among returns of the private Chilean pension system, International Review of Applied Economics (online: 11 diciembre 2017), ,

Marcos Gómez

When and why does materialism relate to employees’ attitudes and well-being: The mediational role of need satisfaction and need frustration, Frontiers in Psychology, 8, artículo 1755

Marcos Gómez - Wenceslao Unanue

Revisiting the link between job satisfaction and life satisfaction: The role of basic psychological needs, Frontiers in Psychology, 8, artículo 00680

Guillermo Paraje

The relationship between smoking and health and education spending in Chile, Tobacco Control (online: 6 octubre 2017), ,

Guillermo Paraje

Prices, inflation and smoking onset: The case of Argentina, Economic Inquiry (online: 16 agosto 2017), ,

Guillermo Paraje

Efecto de la exposición a la publicidad de tabaco sobre el consumo de tabaco en los adolescentes de América del Sur, Salud Publica de México, , S80-S87

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