Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Constanza Bianchi

Antecedents of SME export intensity in a Latin American Market., Journal of Business Research, 69, 4368-4376

Constanza Bianchi

Investigating non-visitors’ intentions to travel to a long-haul holiday destination., Journal of Vacation Marketing, ,

Constanza Bianchi

Understanding travelers’ intentions to visit a short versus long-haul emerging vacation destination: The case of Chile., Tourism Management, 59, 312-324

The unintended consequences of childcare regulation: Evidence of a regression discontinuity design, Journal of Applied Economics , 19, 1-39

Credit constraints in higher education in a context of unobserved heterogeneity, Economics of Education Review , 52, 225-250

Guillermo Paraje

The effect of price and socio-economic level on the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB): The case of Ecuador, PLOS One, 11,

Guillermo Paraje

Healthy ageing: Raising awareness of inequalities, determinants, and what could be done to improve health equity , The Gerontologist, 56, S178-S193

Chance-constrained problems and rare events: an importance sampling approach, Mathematical Programming, 157, 153-189

Pablo Castañeda

On the structural estimation of an optimal portfolio rule., Finance Research Letters, 16, 290-300

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