Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Andrés Cuneo

Measuring private labels brand equity: A consumer perspective, European Journal of Marketing, 46, 952-964

Jorge Niño - Augusto Castillo - R. Aguila.

Long term exchange rate risk and hedging with quantity uncertainty in a market that only provides short term futures contracts, Academia, Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, , 66-78

Tito Homem-de-Mello

Newsvendor-type models with decision-dependent uncertainty, Mathematical Methods of Operational Research, 76, 189-221

Fraternidad Política y Educación, Capital social, confianza y educación, 205-242

Minimum-Variance Versus Tangent Portfolios, Journal of Asset Management, 13, 186-195

Macroeconomic performance during commodity price booms and busts, IMF Economic Review, 60, 570-599

Household choices of child labor and schooling: A structural model with applications to Brazil, Journal of Human Resources, 47, 1-31

Household Choices of Schooling and Child Labor: A Structural Model with Applications to Brazil, Journal of Human Resources, 47, 1-31

Consorcios tecnológicos en Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Uruguay, Trimestre Económico, 79, 189-218

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