Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Constanza Bianchi

Consumer clothing disposal behaviour: A comparative study., International Journal of Consumer Studies, ,

Constanza Bianchi

Antecedents of importer relationship performance in Latin America., Journal of Business Research, 64, 258-265

Constanza Bianchi

Antecedents of Attitudinal Destination Loyalty for a Long-Haul Market: Australia’s Brand Equity among Chilean Visitors., Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 28, 736-750

Role perceptions and motivations to perform organizational citizenship behaviors., Academia. Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, , 1-14

The going public decision and the structure of equity markets., Journal of International Money and Finance, 30, 1451-1470

Pablo Castañeda

The going public decision and the structure of equity markets , Journal of International Money and Finance, 30, 1451-1470

Tito Homem-de-Mello

Risk-adjusted budget allocation models with application in homeland security., IIE Transactions, 43, 819-839

Tito Homem-de-Mello

Improving fleet utilization for carriers by interval scheduling., European Journal of Operational Research, ,

Riesgo sistémico asociado a los hogares en Chile., Economía Chilena, 14, 5-39

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