Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Constanza Bianchi

Inward Exporting of Professional Services: Lessons from Australian Educational Firms., Services Marketing Quarterly, 31, 174-193

Whats in a name? Cross country differences in preferred ways of address for university teachers., AIB (Academy if International Business) Insights, 10, 3-8

Constanza Bianchi

Sell, Give Away, or Donate: An Exploratory Study of Fashion Clothing Disposal Behaviour in Two Countries, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20, 353-368

Standardization and contextualization: A study of language and leadership across 17 countries., Journal of World Business, ,

Subject-specific performance information can worsen the Tragedy of the Commons: Experimental evidence., Journal of Economic Psychology, ,

Guillermo Paraje

Las nuevas políticas de protección social en Chile, La reforma de salud en Chile,

Guillermo Paraje

Public financing of health research in Chile., Revista Médica de Chile, 138, 36-43

Guillermo Paraje

Financiamiento público de la investigación en salud en cinco países de América Latina., Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, 27, pp. 442-451

Two-Step MIR Inequalities for Mixed Integer Programs., Informs Journal on Computing, 236-249, 22

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