Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Estas Filtrando por:


Strategic considerations China wine market., Journal of Business and Chinese Culture, 3, 69-85

Oportunidades perdidas en Magallanes, Magallania, 38, 61-73

Economic Development in Latin America: Essay in Honor of Werner Baer, The Timing of Self Employment Decision,

Asymptotic convergence of optimal harvesting policies for a multiple species forest, Mathematics of Operations Research

The optimal harvesting problem with a land market: a characterization of the asymptotic convergence , Economic Theory

Augusto Castillo

“The Myth of the Rational Market: A discussion”. Revista Economía Chilena, (Revista ISI), Volumen 12, Número 1, 101-104, año 2009.

Optimal control of renewable resources with alternative use., Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Jorge Niño

Editorial Andrés Bello, Contabilidad Gerencial.,

Constanza Bianchi

Investigating Consumer Expectations of Convenience Store Attributes in Emerging Markets: Evidence in Chile., Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 309-320, 21

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