Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Guillermo Paraje

The relationship between smoking and health and education spending in Chile, Tobacco Control (online: 6 octubre 2017), ,

Estimating the effects of teen motherhood in Chile: A family fixed effects approach, Estudios de Economía, 44, 5-32

Estimating the effects of teen motherhood in Chile: A family fixed effect approach, Estudios de Economia, 44, 5-32

Matías Berthelon

Does adolescent motherhood affect education and labor market outcomes of mothers? A study on young adult women in Chile during 1990–2013, International Journal of Public Health, 62, 293–303

A Network-Based Dynamic Analysis in an Equity Stock Market, Complexity, 2017, artículo 3979836, A Network-Based Dynamic Analysis in an Equity Stock Market, Complexity, 2017, artículo 3979836

Francisco Parro

The Rise and Fall of Income Inequality in Chile, Latin American Economic Review, 26, artículo 3

Wenceslao Unanue - Vignoles, V.L. Dittmar, H., y Vansteenkiste, M.

Life Goals predict Environmental Behaviour: Cross-national and Longitudinal Evidence From the UK and Chile. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 46, 10-22.

The unintended consequences of childcare regulation: Evidence of a regression discontinuity design, Journal of Applied Economics , 19, 1-39

Credit constraints in higher education in a context of unobserved heterogeneity, Economics of Education Review , 52, 225-250

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