Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Claudio Bravo-Ortega

Claudio Bravo-Ortega

PhD en Economía

Profesor Asociado

Head of Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy Academic Group (SIES)

Sede: Peñalolén
Edificio: C

  • Ph.D in Economics, University of California, Berkeley, Estados Unidos, 2003.

Claudio Bravo-Ortega es actualmente Profesor Asociado de la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, director del Doctorado en Administración de Empresas y Head de Estrategia, Innovación, Emprendimiento y Sustentabilidad de la Escuela. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Vice Decano de Asuntos Académicos, y en períodos anteriores también como Director del Doctorado en Administración de Empresas y Líder del Grupo de Innovación, Emprendimiento y Sustentabilidad de la Escuela, Director del Magíster de Innovación, y director del Diplomado en Innovación Estratégica. Entre los años 2014 y 2017 fue Director de la Escuela de Economía y Administración de la Universidad de Chile. El profesor Bravo-Ortega está especializado en temas de Innovación, Crecimiento Económico y Economía Política. Dentro de su agenda de investigación en Innovación destacan el estudio de la relación entre exportaciones, I+D y productividad, el efecto de la introducción de nuevos productos en la productividad de las firmas, el impacto de la innovación en la industria de servicios (particularmente en servicios mineros), el estudio de las actividades de innovación en la industria minera en Chile y los determinantes de la productividad agrícola.

Con anterioridad trabajó en el Banco Mundial, en el Centro de Economía Aplicada del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Chile y en Cieplan (Corp. Investigaciones Económicas para Latinoamérica). El profesor Bravo-Ortega ha sido consultor del Banco Mundial, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Instituto de Desarrollo de Corea, Organización Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual, Consejo para la Innovación y el Desarrollo, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Ministerio de Agricultura y Cieplan. Durante los años 2008-2009 fue Visiting Fellow del Centro de Innovación de la Universidad de Sussex, SPRU y también fue Visiting Scholar del University College of London. El profesor Bravo-Ortega cuenta con cerca de dos docenas de publicaciones en revistas y libros de edición internacional. Adicionalmente, Claudio Bravo-Ortega ha participado de directorios y comités, públicos y privados.

Claudio Bravo-Ortega is an associate professor at the Business School of the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Director of the Ph.D in Management and Head of Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy Academic Group. Professor Bravo-Ortega previously was Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs and the former director of several programs as the Ph.D. in Management, the Master of Innovation, Strategic Management of Innovation Certificate, he was also former Head of the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Group of the School. Between 2014 and 2017 he was also Director of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Chile. Professor Bravo-Ortega is specialized in topics of Innovation, Economic Growth, Trade, and Political Economy. Within its research agenda in Innovation he has studied the relationship between exports, R&D and productivity, the effect of the introduction of new products on the productivity of firms, the impact of innovation in the service industry (particularly for the case of mining suppliers), the study of innovation activities in the mining industry in Chile and the determinants of agricultural productivity.

Previously, he worked at the World Bank, at the Center for Applied Economics of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Chile and at Cieplan (Corp. Economic Research for Latin America). Professor Bravo-Ortega has been a consultant to the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Korea Development Institute, World Intellectual Property Organization, National Competitiveness Council for Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Cieplan. During the years 2008-2009 he was a Visiting Fellow at the Innovation Center of the University of Sussex, SPRU, and also Visiting Scholar of the University College of London. Claudio has also participated in several public and private committees and boards.

Professor Bravo-Ortega has a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and an Industrial Engineering degree, both from the Universidad de Chile. He has published numerous international journal articles and book chapters.

Publicaciones seleccionadas (Selected Publications)

2023 «“Understanding R&D Transitions. From Bottom to Top?” Forthcoming Economic Systems.

2023 “Did market access matter for the big push? Why Scandinavia and not Latin America?,” contributing chapter to “Policy for Innovation, Competitiveness and Development in Latin America: Lessons from the Past and Perspectives for the Future”. Forthcoming Oxford University Press.

2021 “Productivity in the Agricultural Sector: A Global Outlook from a
Latin American Perspective” International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources 48(3):57-69. 2021

2021 “Near of Far? Spilovers in patenting, quality upgrading and product releases.” International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development.

2021 “Innovation and IP rights in the Chilean copper mining sector.” In Global Challenges for Innovation in Mining Industries. Daly, Humphreys, Raffo, Valacchi editors. World Intellectual Property Organization and Cambridge University Press. With Juan Jose Price.

2021 “Mining Services Suppliers In Chile: A Regional Approach (Or Lack Of It) For Their Development.” Resources Policy. Also published as Working Paper No. 448, pp. 1 – 45, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile. With Leonardo Muñoz.

2020 Reporte de Enseñanza de Emprendimiento: Una mirada global desde Chile. Published by CORFO and UAI. With Oscar Jerez.

2017 “A Toolkit for R&D Policy Choice with an Application to Chilean Mining.” International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development . Also published as Knowledge Intensive Mining Services in Chile: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Development. Inter American Development Bank Working Paper IDB-BP 418. With Leonardo Muñoz.

2016 “Collaboration in Clusters and Technology Consortia: The Case of Chile” in TWO TO TANGO. Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies. E. Fernández-Arias, C. Sabel, E. Stein and A. Trejos editors. Inter American Development Bank, Washington, DC. With J. M. Benavente, D. Goya, and A. Zahler

2016 “Product Mix Changes and Performance in Chilean Plants.”. Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(6):1001-1017. Also Working Paper N 366 · pp. 1 – 36, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile. With Roberto Álvarez and Lucas Navarro.

2015. «Innovation in the Services Sector,» Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, vol. 51(3), pages 537-539, May. With D. Aboal and G. Crespi

2015 “Innovation and Productivity in Services: Evidence from Chile.” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51:593–611. Also Working Paper N 384 · pp. 1 – 52, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile. With Roberto Alvarez and Andres Zahler.

2014 “Innovation, Exports and Productivity: Learning and Self selection in Chile.” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 50(1), January-February. Also Working Paper N 371, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile. With Jose Miguel Benavente and Álvaro González.

2012 “Exploring the interaction between Intellectual Property Rights, Human Capital and R&D Expenditures: Are there implications for developing countries?” International Journal of Technology Learning, Innovation and Development. Vol. 5, No. 3. Previously as ”Intellectual Property Rights, Human Capital and the Incidence Of R&D Expenditures” (with Daniel Lederman). Working Paper Nº 277, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile. World Bank Policy Research working paper, WPS 5217.

2012 “Determinants of Export Diversification around the World: 1962-2000.” The World Economy 35(3), March. Also as Working Paper Nº 309, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile. With Manuel Agosin and Roberto Alvarez.

2012 “The Emergence and Consolidation of the Chilean Wine Industry” in Export Pioneers in Latin America, Sabel, Fernandez-Arias, Hausman, Rodriguez-Clare and Stein eds, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, IADB published by Harvard University Press. With Manuel Agosin.

2011 “Productivity and Innovation: The Chilean Case.” CEPAL Review 104:135-160. With Roberto Alvarez and Lucas Navarro.

2011 “R&D and Productivity. A two way Avenue?” World Development. 39(7):1090-1107 Also as “Exploring the Relationship between R&D and Productivity: A Country-Level Study” Working Paper Nº 282, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile. With Alvaro García

2009 “Agriculture and National Welfare Around the World: Causality and International Heterogeneity since 1960.” Trimestre Económico.78(3). (World Bank working paper 3499, February 2005). With Daniel Lederman.

2007 “Trade Liberalization in Chile: A historical Perspective.” In FTA and Structural Changes: Experiences and Implications. Edited by MoonJoong Tcha. Korean Development Institute, Seoul Korea.

2006, «The Relative Richness of the Poor? Natural Resources, Human Capital and Economic Growth.» in Neither Curse Nor Destiny: Natural Resources and Development. Edited by Daniel Lederman and William F. Maloney. Stanford University Press. (World Bank working paper 3484, January 2005). With Jose De Gregorio.

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