Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Pablo Egaña

Pablo Egaña

Ph.D. y Master of Arts en Desarrollo Económico Sustentable

Profesor Asistente

E-mail: pablo.egana@uai.cl
Sede: Peñalolén
Edificio: C


Pablo es Director Académico del Magíster en Negocios Sostenibles y Profesor Asistente de la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.

Es Profesor Asistente no residente de la Asia School of Business, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, e International Faculty Fellow del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, USA.

Es Ph.D. y Master of Arts en Desarrollo Económico Sustentable de Columbia University en Nueva York, y Magister en Economía e Ingeniero Comercial mención economía de la Universidad de Chile.

Su especialización es en Sustentabilidad y Emprendimiento. Anteriormente, realizó un postdoc en el MIT y fue investigador en Columbia University. Además, fue profesor instructor en la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile, asesor en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, y consultor para el Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo y el Banco Mundial. Ha sido además consultor y asesor de startups y empresas públicas y privadas en Chile, EEUU, Filipinas, Malasia, Myanmar, Perú, y Tailandia.

Assistant Professor at the Adolfo Ibanez University Business School, non-resident Assistant Professor at the Asia School of Business. and an International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan. He conducts research on applied economics, with a focus on sustainability and entrepreneurship. Most recently, he has been studying the production function of entrepreneurial and creative skills in educational and labor markets. For this research, he uses randomized control trials as well as lab-in-the-field experiments combining behavioral economics and cognitive neuroscience.

Egaña del Sol has consulted with governments, companies, NGOs, and multinational institutions in the design and evaluation of policies on sustainability of sovereign wealth funds, science and technology, pensions, energy, mining, economic development strategy and management (now it has been scaled up to @mapamericas), and structural reforms. His work on structural reforms has been published in The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Political Economy.

Egaña del Sol holds a Business Engineering degree and a M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Chile, and a M.A., M.Phil., and a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development from Columbia University in New York City. Previously, he was a Junior Professor in Economics at University of Chile, Faculty Fellow at SIPA at Columbia University, researcher at the Cognition and Decision Lab at the Department of Economics at Columbia University, lead by Professors Mike WoodfordMark Dean and Pietro Ortoleva, and Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Media Lab, with Professor Rosalind Picard.

Pablo is an affiliated researcher at ISEP (at SAIS John Hopkins University), EGAPCOES, and the Global Labor Organization (GLO).

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