Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Jaime Lavín - Mauricio A Valle, Nicolas S Magner, Cristian E Geldes

Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Influence of contextual information and past prices on the willingness to pay and expected quality evaluations

Wenceslao Unanue - Osin, E. Ricard, M., Alkire, S. & Seligman, M.

Happiness: Transforming the Development Landscape (pp. 60-79). Bhutan: The Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH.

Wenceslao Unanue - Rempel, K., Gómez, M., & van den Broeck, A.

Materialistic values may be detrimental for people’s well-being. However, we know little about why(i.e., explaining mechanisms) and when (i.e., boundary conditions) this is the case.

Wenceslao Unanue - Martínez, D., López, M. Y Zamora, L.

El Rol del Bienestar Subjetivo para Medir el Progreso de las Naciones y Orientar las Políticas Públicas. Papeles del psicólogo.

Mauricio Mittelman - Eduardo B. Andrade.

"Product Order Affects Consumer Preferences for Variety Bundles,” European Journal of Marketing, 51 (5/6).

Francisco Parro

Capital-Skill Complementarity: Does Capital Composition Matter?, Scandinavian Journal of Economics (online: 6 septiembre 2017).

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