Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Estas Filtrando por:


Tourism destination competitiveness of Chile: A stakeholder perspective, Tourism Planning & Development, 14, 447-466

- Gove, S., Junkunc, M., Bruyaka, O., de Castro, L. R. K., Larraza-Kintana, S., Song, Y., and Thakur Wernz, P.

Reexamining CEO duality: The surprisingly problematic issues of conceptualization and measurement, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 25(6): 411-427.

Estimating the effects of teen motherhood in Chile: A family fixed effects approach, Estudios de Economía, 44, 5-32

Matías Berthelon

Does adolescent motherhood affect education and labor market outcomes of mothers? A study on young adult women in Chile during 1990–2013, International Journal of Public Health, 62, 293–303

Viviana Fernández

Rare-earth elements market: A historical and financial perspective, Resources Policy, 53, 26–45

Viviana Fernández

Some facts on the platinum-group elements, International Review of Financial Analysis, 52, 333-347

Political ideologies and the internationalization of family-controlled firms, Journal of World Business, 52, 474-488

Family firms, internationalization, and national competitiveness: Does family firm prevalence matter?, Journal of Family Business Strategy , 8, 123-136

Corporate Governance in China: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Management Studies (online: 27 diciembre 2017), ,

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