Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Estas Filtrando por:


Tito Homem-de-Mello

Finding Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Paths for Risk-Averse Freight Carriers., Networks and Spatial Economics, 16,

Tracing Fraternity in the Social Sciences and Catholic Social Teaching., Logos - A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 19, 53-80

Viviana Fernández

Further evidence on the relationship between spot and futures prices., Resources Policy, 49, 368–371

Viviana Fernández

A historical perspective of the informational content of commodity futures, Resources Policy, 51, 135–150

Why is family firms Internationalization Unique? A Meta-Analysis, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41, 801–831

An institutional perspective of the socioemotional-financial wealth relationship: Commentary on Martin and Gomez-Mejia’s "The relationship between socioemotional and financial wealth: re-visiting family firm decision making", Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 14, 258-266

Viviana Fernández

Futures markets and fundamentals of base metals., International Review of Financial Analysis, 45, 215-229

Pablo Pincheira

Forecasting Chilean inflation with international factors, Empirical Economics, 51, 981-1010

Pablo Pincheira

Forecasting with a Random Walk, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 66, 539-564

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