Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Dispositional and situational differences in motives to engage in organizational citizenship behavior, Journal of Business Research, 68, 208-215

What makes people decide to pay more? Understanding cooperation in the context of an alternative food network, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 236-245

Guillermo Paraje

Changes in socioeconomic inequalities in the use of dental care following major healthcare reform in Chile, 2004-2009, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2823-2836, 12

Guillermo Paraje

The impact of prices and taxes on the use of tobacco products in Latin American and the Caribbean: A systematic review, American Journal of Public Health, e9-e19, 105

Guillermo Paraje

La Reforma AUGE 10 años después (con A. Infante), , Las Nuevas Políticas de Protección Social en Chile

How Do Investment, Fundamentals and Stock Prices Relate Around the World?, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, , 1-18

Producer–consumer misalignment as a possible cause for new food failure: Empirical evidence from Chile, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 228-253, 27

The influence of experts positive word-of-mouth on a wine´s perceived quality and value: The moderator role of consumers expertise, Journal of Wine Research, 181-191, 26

Knowledge inflows effects on middle managers ambidexterity and performance, Management Decision, 2303-2320, 53

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