Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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The optimal harvesting problem under price uncertainty., Annals of Operations Research, 217,

Credit-Risk Assessment of Fixed Income Portfolios Using Explicit Expressions., Finance Research Letters, 11,

Demistifying credit risk derivatives and securitization: introducing the basic ideas to undergraduates., Journal of Derivatives, 22,

Tito Homem-de-Mello

Monte Carlo sampling-based methods for stochastic optimization., Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, 56-85, 19

Tito Homem-de-Mello

Stochastically weighted stochastic dominance concepts with an application in capital budgeting., European Journal of Operational Research, 232,

- Morales, F.

Culture, geography and networks: Private equity investments in three emerging market regions, Academy of Management Proceedings, 6,

- Khanna, T.

Industrial Policy and the creation of new industries: Evidence from Brazil's bioethanol industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 1229-1260, 23

¿Su empresa compra para producir o compra para vender?, Alta Dirección (España), 27-34, Año 48

Purchasing models and organizational performance: A study of key strategic tools, Journal of Business Research Publicación online: 18 octubre 2014, ,

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