Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Estas Filtrando por:


Optimal Cyclicity and Chaos in the 2-Sector RSS Model: An Anything-Goes Construction, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Classical Turnpike Theory and the Economics of Forestry, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

An Overview of Turnpike Theory: Towards the Discounted Deterministic Case, Advances on Mathematical Economics

The Concavity Assumption on Felicities and Asymptotic Dynamics in the RSS model, Set Valued and Variational Analysis

The economics of forestry and a set-valued turnpike of the classical type, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications

Tito Homem-de-Mello

Improving fleet utilization for carriers by interval scheduling., European Journal of Operational Research, ,

Tito Homem-de-Mello

Risk-adjusted budget allocation models with application in homeland security., IIE Transactions, 43, 819-839

Elisa Adriasola - Unsworth, K., Johnston-Billings, A., Dmitrieva, A., & Hodkiewicz, M.

Paper presented at the 2010 Australian Mining Technology Conference

On the Non-existence of Optimal Programs in the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan (RSS) Model, Economic Letters

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