Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Numerically safe Gomory mixed-integer cuts., INFORMS Journal on Computing, 641-649, 21

On the exact separation of mixed integer knapsack cuts., Mathematical Programming, ,

Custos de transação em investimentos coletivos., Revista Brasileira de Economia, 395-404, 63

Evaluating approaches for solving the area restriction model in harvest scheduling., Forest Science, 149-165, 55

Certification of an optimal TSP tour through 85,900 cities, Operations Research Letters, ,

Per-seat, on-demand air transportation Part I: Problem description and an integer multicommodity flow model, Transportation Science, 42, 263-278

Per-seat, on-demand air transportation Part II: Problem description and an integer multicommodity flow model, Transportation Science, 42, 279-291

Computing with domino-parity inequalities for the traveling salesman problem (TSP), INFORMS Journal on Computing, 19, 356-365

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