Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Guillermo Paraje

The effect of price and socio-economic level on the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB): The case of Ecuador, PLOS One, 11,

Guillermo Paraje

Healthy ageing: Raising awareness of inequalities, determinants, and what could be done to improve health equity , The Gerontologist, 56, S178-S193

Tracing Fraternity in the Social Sciences and Catholic Social Teaching., Logos - A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 19, 53-80

Pablo Pincheira

Forecasting Chilean inflation with international factors, Empirical Economics, 51, 981-1010

Pablo Pincheira

Forecasting with a Random Walk, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 66, 539-564

Pablo Pincheira

The out-of-sample performance of an exact median-unbiased estimator for the near-unity AR(1) model, Applied Economics Letters, 23, 126-131

Juan Pablo Medina

Commodity prices and fiscal policy in a commodity exporting economy, Economic Modelling, 59, 335-351

Social protection, economic growth and social change: Goals, issues and trajectories in China, India, Brazil and South Africa (eds: J. Midgley & D. Piachaud) , Journal of Regional Science, 56, 365-366

Impacto económico del sector educación en Arica, Valdivia y Punta Arenas, Magallania, 44, 171-185

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