Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Guillermo Paraje

Changes in socioeconomic inequalities in the use of dental care following major healthcare reform in Chile, 2004-2009, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2823-2836, 12

Guillermo Paraje

The impact of prices and taxes on the use of tobacco products in Latin American and the Caribbean: A systematic review, American Journal of Public Health, e9-e19, 105

Guillermo Paraje

La Reforma AUGE 10 años después (con A. Infante), , Las Nuevas Políticas de Protección Social en Chile

Chiara Lubich and the transformation of relationships: A response to “Chiara Lubich and gender sociology”., Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture, 4, 36-38

Pablo Pincheira

The low predictive power of simple Phillips curves in Chile, CEPAL Review, , 171-195

Francisco Parro

Self-Selection in the Market of Teachers., Applied Economics, 47, 1331-1349

Francisco Parro

Private incentives for specialization in a changing and unpredictable labor market., Theoretical Economics Letters, 5, 163-168

Francisco Parro

The effects of vouchers on school results: Evidence from Chile’s targeted voucher program., Journal of Human Capital, 8,

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