Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Francisco Parro

Francisco Parro

Ph.D in Economics

Profesor Asociado

Associate Professor of Economics

E-mail: francisco.parro@uai.cl
Sede: Santiago - Peñalolén


Francisco Parro is Associate Professor of Economics at the Adolfo Ibáñez School of Business. Professor Parro has previously been Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Chile and Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Finance of Chile. His research focuses on inequality, human capital, labor markets, growth, and fiscal policy. His research has been published in numerous journals, including the Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, the Journal of Human Capital, and Economic Inquiry. He holds a BA and MA from the Catholic University of Chile, and an MA and PhD from the University of Chicago.

Personal website.

Investigaciones Destacadas
Francisco Parro - Loreto Reyes

Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy), 2019, vol. 22, issue 2, 070-095

Francisco Parro - J. A. Correa; P. Gutiérrez. M. Lorca; R. Morales

Applied Economic Analysis, Vol. 27 No. 79, pp. 62-90

Francisco Parro - - P. Valenzuela.

Does Finance Alter the Relation Between Inequality and Growth? Economic Inquiry (JEL D3, E6, P1, O4, I2).

Francisco Parro

Understanding the Supply and Demand Forces behind the Fall and Rise in the U.S. Skill Premium, Macroeconomic Dynamics (online: 21 diciembre 2017).

Redes Sociales
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