Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Constanza Bianchi

Constanza Bianchi

Destination brand equity for Australia: Testing a model of CBBE in short haul and long haul markets, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, ,

Constanza Bianchi

Management characteristics and the decision to internationalize: Exploration of exporters vs. non-exporters within the Chilean wine industry", Journal of Wine Research, 195-209, 24

Constanza Bianchi

Consumer Internet Purchasing Behaviour in Chile., Journal of Business Research, 1791-1799, 66

Constanza Bianchi

Costco and the Aussie Shopper - A case Study of the Market Entry of an International Retailer, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 22, 507-527

Constanza Bianchi

Risk, Trust, and Consumer Online Purchasing Behaviour: A Chilean Perspective, International Marketing Review, 29, 253-275

Constanza Bianchi

Inward Internationalization of Consumer Services: Lessons from Australian Services Firms., Journal of Services Marketing, 25, 282-293

Constanza Bianchi

Antecedents of Attitudinal Destination Loyalty for a Long-Haul Market: Australia’s Brand Equity among Chilean Visitors., Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 28, 736-750

Constanza Bianchi

Antecedents of importer relationship performance in Latin America., Journal of Business Research, 64, 258-265

Constanza Bianchi

Consumer clothing disposal behaviour: A comparative study., International Journal of Consumer Studies, ,

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